Portrait of Martin

Hello, I’m Martin

I help people with computers, tablets and phones.

I approach every job with an open mind to understand the customer’s individual needs.

I believe people should feel in control of their technology and online experiences, so I work to build confidence and reduce complexity.

I have a computing degree from Oxford Brookes University, but more importantly I have the up-to-date knowledge and real-world experience needed to solve today’s computer problems in homes and businesses, with hundreds of satisfied customers since 2007.

My fee is £30 per half-hour. I can fix many issues via phone or email, but also make home visits in Oxford, Bicester, Kidlington, Witney, Woodstock and the surrounding villages, for which my minimum charge is £60.

Short guides

I like to talk about computing in plain English, and over the years have written a variety of short articles to help you learn about computers along with a growing collection of how-to guides.

Security book

Computer security involves us all. To help you make sense of this and improve your confidence, my book Everyday Security in an Online World offers concise and engaging explanations of matters like passwords, data breaches and malware.

Other projects

I edit the Tackley Newsletter and manage the website of Tackley Local History Group.

My other creations include Wildflowers of Hanborough and some electronic music.

I like cycling, gardening, small dogs, wildlife and good coffee.